Asthma and Lung UK at the Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Parliament Building

Asthma and Lung UK are working with the cross-party MSP group to improve Scotland’s poor record on respiratory health and promote a more strategic approach to addressing long-term improvements.

Speakers included, Sarah Woolnough, CEO of Asthma and Lung UK, Emma Harper MSP, Alexander Stewart MBE MSP, Linda McLeod chair of Breathe Easy Clackmannanshire, Dr Tom Fardon, Maree Todd MSP,  and Joseph Carter, head of A&L UK Scotland.

cross-party MSP's supporting Asthma and Lung UK in the Scottish Parliament

cross-party MSP's supporting Asthma and Lung UK in the Scottish Parliament

cross-party MSP's supporting Asthma and Lung UK in the Scottish Parliament

cross-party MSP's supporting Asthma and Lung UK in the Scottish Parliament

cross-party MSP's supporting Asthma and Lung UK in the Scottish Parliament

Sarah Woolnough talking to cross-party MSP's supporting Asthma and Lung UK in the Scottish Parliament

cross-party MSP's supporting Asthma and Lung UK in the Scottish Parliament

Emma Harper MSP campaigning for Asthma + Lung UK Scotland.

Alexander Stewart MSP campaigning for Asthma + Lung UK Scotland.

Joseph Carter, Asthma + Lung UK Scotland at the Scottish Parliament.

Rosamund Adoo campaigning with Asthma + Lung UK

Linda McLeod BEM, campaigning with Asthma + Lung UK

Alexander Stewart MSP and Linda McLeod BEM, campaigning with Asthma + Lung UK

campaigning with Asthma + Lung U

Dr Tom Fardon campaigning with Asthma + Lung UK

Dr Tom Fardon campaigning with Asthma + Lung UK at the Scottish Parliament

delegate filming Asthma + Lung UK at the Scottish Parliament

Sarah Woolnough, Asthma + Lung UK at the Scottish Parliament

Emma Harper MSP campaigning for Asthma + Lung UK at the Scottish Parliament

Sarah Woolnough, Asthma + Lung UK at the Scottish Parliament

Gareth Brown, Asthma + Lung UK at the Scottish Parliament

Sarah Woolnough, Asthma + Lung UK at the Scottish Parliament

Asthma + Lung UK cross party MSP's at the Scottish Parliament

Asthma + Lung UK cross party MSP's at the Scottish Parliament


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