Women of Inspiration

association of scottish business women, women of inspiration awards, virgin money edinburgh, event photography edinburgh

Each year the Association of Scottish Business Women honours and celebrates the achievement and contribution of inspirational women in business and the wider community through the Women of Inspiration Awards.

Presented by Wendy Maltman, President of the ASB, the women recognised in this year’s awards are business leaders, chief executives, trailblazers, charity champions, entrepreneurs, mentors, motivational speakers and adventurers:

  • Alice Beveridge, Positive Psychologist, Director and Speaker at Tree Of Knowledge.
  • Alison Tait, Chief Executive Officer, Break the Silence.
  • Angie Foreman, Coca Cola 5by20 Programme Director
  • Fin Wycherley, CEO of Supersize Media
  • Jennifer Connelly, Chairperson of Fastworks Bonhill
  • Liz Cameron OBE, Director & Chief Executive, Scottish Chambers of Commerce
  • Louise Macdonald, Chief Executive of Young Scot
  • Mairi McCallum, Manager of Moray Foodbank
  • Mollie Hughes, mountaineer, adventurer and motivational speaker
  • Pauline Moriarty, Beautiful Inside & Out SCIO
  • Susan Mackenzie Young, Private Clients Division, Gallagher Insurance
  • Val Russell, Chief Executive, Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce

Thanks to the Virgin Money team in Edinburgh for hosting.

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