Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce – Inspiring Women in Business

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Inspiring Women in Business with Alison McGregor, CEO HSBC Scotland. Held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Royal Terace, Edinburgh.

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Events

Edinburgh Chamber Events

Edinburgh Chamber Events

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Edinburgh Chamber Event Images - Alison McGregor HSBC. conference and event photography edinburgh

Events General

Breakfast Connections

Surgeon's Hall event photography

Sandy Begbie, Group People & Operations Director at Standard Life gave Edinburgh Chamber members an update on the Developing the Young Workforce youth employment strategy; held in the Playfair Hall in The Royal College of Surgeons……

Surgeon's Hall event photography

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Surgeon's Hall event photography

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Surgeon's Hall event photography

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Surgeon's Hall event photography

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Connections with Sandy Begbie

Surgeon's Hall event photography

……and all attendees received a little Gift Bag from the The East India Company who recently opened their first Scottish Store in Edinburgh’s George Street.

Events General


EURORDIS conference 2016 at the EICC

Images from the 8th European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products (ECRD) at the EICC Edinburgh from 26 – 28 May 2016.

The aim of ECRD 2016 is to address current and future issues facing rare disease patients so that game-changing and sustainable responses can be developed.

EURORDIS 2016 Conference at the EICC

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS 2016 Conference at the EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Conference at the EICC

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Conference at the EICC

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS 2016 Conference at the EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS 2016 Conference at the EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Conference at the EICC

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS 2016 Conference at the EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Edinburgh

EURORDIS conference at EICC

EURORDIS 2016 Conference at the EICC

Events General

The Spectator Breakfast Club

Spectator Events Edinburgh

Selling Scotland to Europe – opportunities ahead.  A panel discussion chaired by The Spectator’s Business Editor Martin Vander Weyer in association with EasyJet. The panel discussed  Scotland’s  advantages and challenges and how Scottish firms can gain the access and impact they need to prosper in Europe.

Guest Speakers:

Gordon Dewar, CEO, Edinburgh Airport; Vicky Brock, CEO, Clear Returns; George Kerevan MP, East Lothian; Eben Wilson, Founder, TaxpayerScotland

Held at DoubleTree Hilton, Edinburgh

Spectator Events

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Spectator Events Breakfast Club at DoubleTree Hilton Edinburgh

Events General

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian, conference and event photography edinburgh

The regional “Developing the Young Workforce” team for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian hosted a series of Roadshows, which gave employers an opportunity to showcase their vacancies to school and college leavers across the region. The images shown here are a small selection from the Edinburgh Event, held at the Assembly Rooms. Find out more more at Edinburgh Chamber/DYW

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian at the Assembly Roos Edinburgh

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian


Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

The images below are from the DYW Midlothian Event, held at the Scottish Mining Museum in Newtongrange

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

The Corn Exchange in Haddington hosted the East Lothian Roadshow

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow for Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian

Please contact us for access to the full range of images.

info@tetework.com / 0131 558 2881

Events General

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Influencers Breakfast Event

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

 The Rt. Hon. Donald Wilson, Lord Lieutenant and Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh was the speaker at the first Edinburgh Chamber “Influencers Breakfast” of  2016.  Thanks to the Royal Yacht Britannia for hosting in style.

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

Rt Hon Donald Wilson, conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

Liz McAreavey, conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

conference and event photography in edinburgh, royal yacht britannia

Events General

Ann Budge – Inspiring Women in Business

Pompadour Restaurant Door, Waldorf Astoria - the Caledonian

Ann Budge CEO Heart of Midlothian – Inspiring Women in Business at the Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh with Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce.

edinburgh chamber of commerce

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Event

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Event

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Event

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Event

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Event

ann budge, inspiring women in business

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Event

Ann Budge at the Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh

edinburgh chamber of commerce,inspiring women in business

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Event

Events General

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Business Awards Launch


Edinburgh Castle from the Double Tree Hilton Conference Centre




Edinburgh Camber of Commerce Business Awards Launch at the

Double Tree Hilton Conference Centre, Edinburgh.

Events General